Music as an Avocation

Avocation [ av-uh-key-shuh n ]: 


something a person does in addition to a principal occupation, especially for pleasure; hobby

Photo Cred: Pablo

I had never heard of this word before until someone used it a professional singers' forum on facebook. The word itself was a comfort in that its mere name implied that the pursuit was something of high value and quality... not a skill that went by the wayside. I found more comfort in it than the word "hobby."

So, let me introduce myself: I'm Kaara. I'm a former professional singer. Music is my avocation. I'm a professional voice user and teacher. My life without music is unimaginable but my singing does not put food on the table. I no longer put pressure on it to do so.

I've had a major identity crisis lately as I've analyzed the grim statistics for job placement via the traditional pipeline in classical music. I thought to myself, "How can I teach people to sing knowing that they'll likely never be able to commoditize it to an acceptable standard of living?" I then had to ask myself, "If I'm honest with my students, will they leave? Will they stop singing if I tell them the unlikelihood of 'making it'?" And I realized.... that is SO NOT the point of singing.

Photo cred: Pablo
Singing feels good. Singing moves us to tears, to laughter, to joy, to sorrow, to anger. It helps us express that which we have a hard time expressing. Sometimes we sing in the shower because it's relaxing. Sometimes we sing in the comfort of our homes to lull a child to sleep or to ease our pain. We sing to comfort the living at a funeral or to honor the dead. We sing at weddings to partake in a communion of love. We sing to tell stories. We sing to have fun. We sing to be part of something bigger than ourselves.

Photo cred: Pablo
My perspective has shifted from giving my students the tools they'll need to succeed (better than I did) in the business to STILL providing them with those tools... and the permission to make music on their own terms. To participate in music beyond a high school extra curricular, beyond a college music program, inside and outside of "professional" sphere.. because music reminds us of our humanity.
